Easy And Practical Folding Bike Maintenance Tips And Suggestions


It doesn’t matter if you have a regular bike, an e-bike or a folding bike, they all need regular maintenance. Daily usage, long rides, pollution, dust, and rough tracks have a wearing effect on these vehicles. And a similar effect is made by vibration, accumulated dirt, and shocks on the way. If you overlook these factors, you will end up with a useless bike within a year or two.
When it comes to folding bikes there are a few extra measures that need to be kept in mind. Whether you own the new Birdy standard 9 speed or an Ortlieb model, you will need to follow some common tips to avoid usual mechanical failures. Also, regular maintenance helps extend the lifespan of folding bikes. If you don’t know where to start, here are some tips and suggestions that will direct your course of action:

● Lubrication & Cleaning: A lot of riders believe that pressure washing is enough to keep a bike clean and shining. However, the fact is that high water pressure also removes the outer frame coating and exposes the metal surface to rust. There are some special cleaning products available online and offline to clean the bike surface without removing the paint. Once you are done wiping the cleaning agent, dry the surface and apply some bike polish to keep it scratch-free and shiny. The bike polish also helps waterproof the frame and keeps the rust away from it. Once you are done with the frame, focus on the chain. Chains are magnets for dirt, mud and contaminants. As time goes by, they derail due to the hardening of accumulated waste. Run water through the chain to soften its contaminants and then clean it with a brush and special chain cleaner to get rid of all remaining grime. Dry the chain with a cloth afterwards and wipe the lubricant residue. Apply some bike lubricant using a spray bottle and ensure that you follow the product instructions to the letter.

● Checking Tire Pressure: It is important to maintain adequate pressure in the bike tires to ensure a smooth ride through all types of terrain. Whenever you are taking the bike out for a trip make sure that you check the air pressure with a reliable dial guage. Remember the pencil tire gauges used for cars aren’t accurate for cycles. Before inflating the tire, keep an eye on the maximum pressure level indicated on its sidewall. It is suggested to keep the pressure under the maximum threshold and never to cross the given figure. Overinflated tires are vulnerable to explosion and send high impact waves to the frame. Tires need to compress a little to cushion the impact of shocks on rough terrains. If you are planning to go on a plain terrain, the tires need less air pressure so that their pattern adheres with that of the surface. Lastly, make sure that the air pressure is in sync with your own body weight. Usually, higher air pressure is needed if the rider’s body weight exceeds the normal weight limit. It is a rule of thumb for both regular and folding bikes.


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