Best Features of Folding Bikes to Look Out For Bike Lovers



Foldable bikes are one of the best inventions that let them take them anywhere and keep them safely inside. They don't have to look for parking options, unlike the other bikes. When you see other people riding popular bikes, and wondering what to look for in a folding bike, well we have your back. Choosing the right kind of bike needs a little bit of research, and this page will help you with it. Let’s go through 5 features to keep an eye on before buying a foldable bike:


1)    Suspension System: This is one of the common structures installed in bikes to absorb pressure from the speed breakers on the path. They are also very crucial when the bike is touring on rough roads. The inclusion of suspension changes your bike experience to a different level. They sure do add more weight to the bike, but the human body doesn’t take the pressure from the quakes on the path. Thus making this a very handy tool when touring on long rides and uneven tracks.  Birdy bike models

2)    Size of the Wheels: The size of the wheel affects the balance and comprehensiveness of the ride. The smaller ones are easy to move along, while the bigger wheels make the ride steadier. The wheel size also determines how the bike will look or what shape it will be in when it will be folded to carry or kept in a small place.

3)    Size of the Frame Structure: This could be a primary concern for those who look for a specific size for their bikes. The folding bikes come in the market in similar sizes and have small heights as compared to the normal ones. Simple because it makes folding easier while riding this is much fun. The seats are adjustable as per the height requirements of the user. Like, the taller the person is, the seating can be adjusted as he/she likes. So the frame sizes come in similar sizes for most of the bikes, which isn’t much to choose from. The only thing you need to check is the adjustability of the handlebar and bike seat as per your height. One of the best examples is Birdy folding bikes in Australia, which provide a different range of options to choose from. 

4)    Folding Style: The foldable bike industry mainly provides three types of folding styles. They are breakaway, half and triangular fold. The breakaway fold is the easiest of the lot, they can be folded with minimum effort, and shaped into a close-packed size but they are tough to compile. The second one is Half fold, which can be disassembled comfortably, but it lacks robustness. And lastly, the triangular fold bikes are sturdy in their build and can be folded easily. The limitation of a triangle fold bike is that it's a bit tougher to ride.

5)    Desire to Buy: The reason for buying has to be one of the keys in decision-making. If you are buying for city riding or short tours then a small and light bike will be more suitable for it. For adventure trips or long journey rides, robust bikes with thick wheels would be better. If you planning on going to school or the office with foldable bikes, bikes which can be folded easily will be more useful. The choice of folding bike will be the joint of what you need and what's available in the market.



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