Trends Which Mold Folding Bike Segment


 The statistics say that in 2021 the global market of folding bikes recorded a valuation of 724.2 Million dollars. Folding bikes are those which can be compressed and kept in a small area. It is foldable as the name suggests, and can be easily carried anywhere. It's available in different colours and models, which are individuated as per the material, tyres, folding styles, purpose of riding, weight, strength and cost of ownership. It is becoming a more favourable choice for youngsters because of its customization and stylish features. These bikes are getting evolved with continuous innovations and more technical upgrades. Let’s have a look at what makes folding bikes trend worldwide:


1)    Sustainability Awareness: Environment is getting affected due to numerous factors, like carbon shedding by vehicles, smoking cigarettes, factory wastes, forest fires, etc. And all of these are increasing the temperature of our planet. And with the rise in global warming, glaciers are melting and oceans are on the rise. So with all these problems we face, we can make use of sustainable methods and do our individual effort by reducing the usage of vehicles. And folding bikes help in this cause. With each vehicle contributing to carbon emissions, bicycles stand apart by being environment-friendly and easy to maintain. People who are aware of the benefits of bikes are moving towards foldable bikes as their main medium for transport. Even the manufacturing process of folding bikes is less harmful than those of other vehicles. Plus more governments are encouraging means to lessen pollution, and that in turn is making folding bikes more popular.

2)    Health Awareness: Healthy lifestyle is among the trending topics on any social media. People post their training videos and pictures to influence others to work out and make an active routine. And with such a habit people look to add more unique ways of working out. And this drives the market for foldable bikes across nations. With the pandemic in our recent past, increasing danger of different diseases, and hectic working lifestyle, this could be the best time to adapt to habits that will be fruitful to our lives. And if we don't look towards exercise as a vital part of our life, then normal habits are prone to make us dull. Folding bikes can be taken anywhere, even to work and to schools. They are easy to keep after folding and can be put under the working table. This makes us free of worrying about putting them in parking lots and locking them up at all times. One of the best examples is Birdy Rohloff Bikes. They come in trendy colours, have an aluminium body, carry 14 gear speeds, with 18” tyres which all combine to make a very smart bike. Folding bikes have smaller sized wheels than the normal ones, and this makes them a bit tough to control on rough paths, but there are options which help you do adventures without worrying about uneven paths. It’s a healthy habit to ride bikes even to regular work. It's cost effective as there isn't any fuel cost involved and helps in burning a lot of calories. So it's a win-win product for those who wish to workout but don’t get time due to their schedule.


3)    Escape the Traffic: Automobiles are selling like anything in the world every day, and more and more traffic is on the road. This result in more crowds but the paths remains of the same size. Folding bikes help in moving through public transport as they can be carried in buses, trains and even planes.


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